Through Open Eyes

New Ways to See and Appreciate Your Everyday World

Do you want to enjoy the visual richness of the world around your home, work, or neighborhood? 

This book is a journey through my everyday environment seen through open eyes. 

Mindfulness is a way of reframing how you see and understand your current situation and returning to the present moment again and again. And photography is a simple way to record and share what you see. 

Together, mindfulness and photography bring joy to the present moment. 

My Story....

2020 was a year that forced me to stop, confront my fear of stillness and inactivity, and take a fresh look at the present moment. 

With nowhere to escape to, nowhere to run and hide, I had a chance to turn my attention to my immediate surroundings. I discovered an unseen world around me, completely ignored, unfolding before my eyes.

I hope that this book will inspire you to look more closely at the present moment, discover what is preventing you from seeing clearly, and inspire you to notice and deeply appreciate what is right in front of you.

Consider the following questions:

    ~When faced with stress and discomfort, do emotions and thoughts keep you from fully living in the present moment? 

    ~Do strong emotions change how you see what is right in front of you?


    ~Would life be more joyful if you had more available space in your mind to take in new information?

Share your thoughts!